Knowing your favorite design style is one of the first steps you need to know when you come to design your own interior.
Like your personality, Finding your own design style is a process that takes a while.
Amount of events, connections with different people, travel to various places helped you, during time, to develop your own personality.
So don't be nervous if you still don't know what design style you love the most,
Read here the 4 steps that will help you to determent what design style you prefer nowadays.
Photo: courtesy by Ulla Johnson
When you observe people and see their fashion style, you assume it is must be reflected also in their home design, without knowing that people often present themselves differently from where they want to spend their lives because of their work requirements.” Some of my clients dress monochrome palette for their work with minimalist fashion statement but they respond best to colorful rooms, rich textures with layers of details”.
Having said that, one way that can help some of you to look for your design style is to observe what is hanging inside your closet and see what color, patterns, and fabrics you turn to again and again.
Every process in the design world, from fashion, interior, industrial to jewelry design starts from receiving inspiration, Nowadays, thanks to social media it is much easier to get inspired visually.
You might want to scroll through “Home Decor” hashtags or look for designers you love on Instagram and save pictures you liked or create a board on Pinterest and start to collect rooms and places you loved.
Since you change with time it is only logical that your design style changes with you, so if your Pinterest boards or your Instagram hashtags no longer appeal to you after a while, you can delete them and starts new.
The phase of “Get Inspired” can last for a long time because you can always find one more picture that inspires you and not to get to your final goal of finding your design style,
So after you collect and save a minimum of 20-30 “pictures”, now it is the time to narrow all the information down by analyzing it.
See if you can spot a trend, common color scheme, or overall theme in your pins and write it down on a paper, for example:” lots of my pictures contain blue, abstract drawing, solid colors(no stripes), and wood.”
The last phase before going to stores and creating your design style for your home is to create ONE last board from what you wrote on your paper from phase three, which will be a visual reminder for you.
Designer: Enat Nachshon
Your board needs to contain the essence of photos or words, for example, you can write the word “Wood” on your board or you can bring a photo of a wood pattern, There is no right or wrong but from my experience, people remember better pictures rather than words.
Most important is to save the new board on your phone, This way you will be true to your design style, and also helps if you want to refer to a certain color scheme, furniture, or artwork while you’re shopping.
You can create your board or your collage on Photoshop, Canva, or Picmonkey.
Another easy way is to do screenshots on your phone of spaces you love and make a file in your phone of all of those screenshots and refer to it while you’re shopping.